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Why Is A Veterinarian's Certification Required For Pets Traveling Internationally? 

As much as tracking our health and being eligible to travel internationally, it is equally essential for our pets to be healthy. Pet health is just as vital as human health in any given circumstance. We consider our pet’s part of our family and treat them like any other family member. Hence, we also wish to take our pets along and experience memorable trips while traveling.

But to do so, some obligations, rules, and regulations must be followed to take your pets along. A pet travel certificate veterinarian must be consulted before aligning the travel plans and acquiring a travel certificate.

What Is A Pet Travel Certificate?

This certificate determines your pet's health condition and how healthy they are to travel. The pets should not indicate any signs of diseases or allergies that could be passed on to other animals or humans traveling along. To avoid putting others' lives at risk, getting the certificate post consulting a pet travel certificate veterinarian is crucial.

A veterinarian, or "vet," is a doctor for animals and is the most qualified person to ascertain the actual state of your pet's health.  

What Are The Pet Owner's Responsibilities?

Pet owners are like parents to their pets; hence all the responsibility falls under their roof. They have to take care of several precautions and mandates to travel along with their pets on an international basis. The various responsibilities that fall under the owner's basket are:

  • A thorough check-up of their pets before as well as after the international travel
  • It is mandatory to have the pet's vaccinations done as directed by the vet before a health certificate can be issued.
  • Pet owners are suggested to check the guidelines for each country they are traveling to and take care of the rules and requirements related to traveling along with their pets.
  • To avoid problems later, find an APHIS pet travel certificate veterinarian well before travel time.
  • Contact agencies who would help with global pet travel requirements and procedures to follow

The overall motive for conducting so many processes before traveling related to your pet is to keep them and the pets and humans around them safe and secure. 

It is important to assess how healthy your pet's health is before international travel. It will help you and the people traveling along a happy and safe journey to cherish for a lifetime.