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Why Burmese Kittens NZ Are The Perfect Addition to Your Home

Do you love spending time with cats? Do you long for the companionship of a furry friend in your home but don't want the commitment of a full-time pet? Then Burmese kittens in NZ might be the perfect addition to your family! They are becoming increasingly popular as people learn about their wonderful personalities. So, if you're interested in adding one of these beauties to your home, keep reading for more information! But, before bringing one of these furry friends home, you should know a few things. This blog post will discuss everything you need to know about these cuties.

These Burmese are medium-sized cats, but when you pick her up, she feels considerably heavier than she appears. She is a stocky cat and somewhat compact but is very muscular with heavy boning. These adorable little creatures are playful, loving, and make great companions that need attention from human beings to be happy. The Burmese cats will follow owners around the house, crying for attention. They might even climb their owner's leg begging to be picked up and cuddled. They are also known for being very intelligent and easily trained.

Why Burmese kittens are the Perfect Choice for Your Home?

  • Extremely friendly and affectionate creature: The first reason to love Burmese kittens is that they are extremely friendly and affectionate. They love human companionship and will follow you around the house, always happy to receive some cuddles and scratches.
  • Great with families and kids: Burmese kittens in NZ are great pets because they do exceptionally well with families and kids. They are patient, gentle souls who adore being around people, making them the perfect choice for homes with small children. Not only will they put up with the occasional bout of rough handling, but they'll also love playing games and cuddling up for family movie nights.
  • Low Maintenance Cat: Burmese cats are also relatively low maintenance regarding caring and grooming. These cats are an easy-going breed that doesn't require a lot of fuss, making them the perfect pet for busy families or those with less time on their hands. A quick brush once or twice a week is all they need to keep their beautiful coat in top condition.
  • Non-Shedding Cat: Burmese kittens are also non-shedding, meaning they won't leave a trail of fur around your home. It is great news for those with allergies or who don't want to deal with the constant cleaning that comes with owning a shedding cat.
  • Hypoallergenic Cat: Burmese kittens are also hypoallergenic, making them the perfect choice for those with allergies to pet dander. It means that these kittens produce less of the protein responsible for triggering allergic reactions, so even those with severe allergies can enjoy the companionship of a Burmese kitten without fear of any adverse reactions.
  • Intelligent and easily trained: Burmese kittens are also known for being intelligent and easily trained. They are quick learners who enjoy learning new tricks and behaviours, making them a breeze to train. Whether you want to teach them to use the litter box or show them how to sit on command, Burmese kittens will pick up new skills quickly and easily. This intelligence also means they are less likely to get into trouble, as they will quickly learn what is and isn't allowed in your home.
  • Personality: These Burmese cats are active, curious, and adaptable as kittens. They might become too placid when they mature, preferring to watch rather than get involved in activities. However, at any age, they love to look at the world around them, and their favourite place may be a window where they can observe the world outside. While Burmese cats are very comfortable with other Burmese, they may not get along well with cats of different breeds.
  • Colours: These cats have a wide range of colours like sable, champagne, blue, platinum, lilac, fawn, red, cream, chocolate, cinnamon, and tortoiseshell.


Hence, these furry little ones are perfect for families or individuals who want all the love and companionship of a cat without any hassles. So, if you're thinking of a cat to which you can teach tricks or one that will be easy to potty train, then Burmese kittens in NZ are the right choice.