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From Tails to Trails: My Journey from Horse Grooming to Managing Marathons

I’ve always had a soft spot for animals, but no animal has ever captivated my heart like horses. 

It all began when my dad took my mum, my younger brother and me to a horse race. I’d never seen horses in real life, only read about them in stories or seen what they looked like in textbooks, but the real creatures were far superior. 

From their majestic gait to their magnificent manes, it was love at first sight. After the race concluded and I returned home, I immediately began begging my parents for a pet horse. Looking back, I was pretty relentless in my pursuits. 

However, after five years of consistent pleading and never backing down, my parents bought me a horse for my fifteenth birthday. I named her Cherry Cola, my current obsession at the time and an apt name for the thoroughbred with a cherry red mane. We’d been inseparable ever since. 

This is a story of how a frightening moment of adversity helped me channel my passion for horses into a career and opened new doors of opportunity. 

A Small Hoofprint of Adversity That Made a Big Difference

It all started during my years in university. It was the first time I had been away from my family and Cherry, ever since I had met her. 

The initial few months were rough, I was always rushing from one class to another, preparing for exams and looking for part-time jobs. After months of searching, I finally managed to find a job near the campus and gradually saved up quite a bit.

University was a big change for Cherry and me. However, with time, we’d both adjusted. I’d always managed to carve out space amidst my busy schedule to visit her every few months or so. 

Nonetheless, adversity often strikes when you least expect it. Toward the end of my second year, I received a panicked call from my mother telling me that Cherry wasn’t well and nobody in the family knew what to do. 

I immediately drove out to our family house the following weekend, and sure enough, she wasn’t looking good. My heart broke when I saw her barely able to move, a look of pain on her face whenever she tried. 

I immediately placed a call to our local veterinarian, who told me she was suffering from early-stage laminitis, a hoof-related condition that was fortunately treatable. 

I was ready to do anything to see her happy and healthy again. However, veterinary treatment was quite expensive, especially for horses. My dad had only just been let go from his job, and my mum was struggling to manage our bills. I didn’t want to put any more pressure on her unless I absolutely needed to. 

This was when I stumbled across short term loans. Initially, I was a bit hesitant about taking out a loan of any kind, but after doing more research, I felt that it was the quickest and best choice at the time. Fortunately, my application was approved and I was able to get Cherry the help she needed in time. 

As soon as I used the loan funds, I immediately drew up a budget and repayment plan to ensure I paid it back as soon as possible. I’d come across too many horror stories about defaulted loans when doing my research and determined I would not become another one of them. I also took up a second job to earn as much as I could, without compromising on my education. 

With determination and resolute dedication, I was able to repay my loan. 

Harnessing My Passion for Horse Grooming

It was during the beginning of my third year that I discovered our university allowed us to form clubs. With my passion for horses still going strong, was it any surprise that I ended up starting a horse grooming club? 

Our university already had horses as a result of the equine studies programme. However, I couldn’t help but notice every time I passed them that many of them appeared quite poorly groomed and unkempt. This was what inspired me to take the situation into my own hands. 

Starting a horse grooming club was not easy. As it had never existed and had no other members, I had to put in the paperwork and gather all the essential equipment myself. From horse clippers to trimmers, brushes, shampoos and conditioners, I had to find everything we’d need. 

After gathering the horse grooming equipment, recruiting other members almost seemed too easy. I put out a couple of fliers, texted classmates and soon my horse grooming club had blossomed into a lovely group of ten. 

I still look back fondly on my university memories of visiting the stables and just sitting side by side with like-minded individuals who loved caring for horses. 

How I Took the Reins in Marathon Management

Before I knew it, I’d graduated from university and jumped headfirst into my professional career. Armed with my degree in sports management, I’d taken up an internship at the local sports club to gain experience in the field. 

Soon after, I secured a permanent position in a sports event management company they often collaborated with. Working in this industry really made me take my own physical fitness more seriously as well. 

I'd started going to the gym more often and even invested in what many people online called the ‘best running machine in the UK’. Having it as a core part of my home gym equipment to this day, I can confirm that it deserved its reputation. 

Within a few years, I’d worked my way up to a role as a sports event manager, specialising in marathons. 

My life may have gotten busier, but I always made time in my life to visit Cherry and spend time with her. In fact, it was on one of my visits to my family home that I got the inspiration for my next event — a marathon to raise money for equine veterinary care.

I couldn’t imagine my life without my horse, and I still shudder to think what may have happened if we weren’t able to provide her with the treatment she needed in time. An event dedicated to collecting funds so nobody would have to go through what I did felt perfect. 

On the day of the event, I was overjoyed to see my months of research and organisational efforts finally paid off. I’d even managed to bring Cherry down to the track. I couldn’t help but smile when I saw just how much we’d raised for our cause. Cherry even showed her appreciation with a happy whinny at the end. 

In the End

In retrospect, it’s funny how my story began and ended with a race. It feels like a bit of a full-circle moment. Nonetheless, I feel it’s quite apt, considering how horses raced their way into my heart. 

Horses truly are special creatures. They’re more intelligent and understanding than people and loyal to a fault. 

Cherry and I are still close as we’ve always been. She’s a bit older now, but then again, so am I. It just makes me cherish every moment I spend in her company that much more.