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Talking Parrots Can’t Keep Your Secrets

A couple who have parrots cannot have secrets from each other any longer. You have to be very cautious as to what you say because even when you think they cannot hear you or they are not paying attention to whatever you are saying, you can easily offend them. This I have realized the hard way not once but several times. Visit Talking Parrots Group to buy your talking parrots

 I was a bridesmaid for a wedding approximately one year before the time of this interview. The bride and groom were already cohabiting, so this was another case where they did not require household-themed presents; just cash to pay for their honeymoon and house. Therefore, I thought that being half sleazy I will make a wishing well for the couple to use during the reception. The concept was to have a well where instead of purchasing a present, people deposited cash into this well.

 The only serious issue was that my paper mâché bricks were taking lots of time to dry. The two had not even scraped together enough time to do assemble in weeks. I was just out of time. The birds were out of harm’s way, therefore, I thought it fitting to put into practice what I knew about my mother’s microwave. It is rather interesting and revealing to note that paper mâché bricks are infamous for bursting into flames and blazing up when one decides to microwave it. As it also turns out, this is not because a brick is somehow defective as even if you try it again – they again catches fire. Oops.

 Should my mother learn what I had done to her microwave I shudder at what mode of dispatch she would use on me. That is why I thoroughly cleaned up and ensured that there was no indication of what I had done. I threw the burned fire blanket and bleach for hours as I tried to clean the remnants of my Incident – or so I had believed.

When Pepi is ready to talk – Pepi is ready to talk.

Some more time was spent with the sickness, and then mum came home and asked what I had done that day. The answer was a nonchalant: They said simply “not much” In this case, not much = minimal noticeable currents or no currents present.

My eclectus Pepi decided to join the conversation at that point by loudly roaring: Actions: ‘Beep Beep Beep CRAP!!!!!’

I suddenly realised I must stop speaking, the impudent little beast had probably heard me despite the fact that he had been out of doors.

‘Well, that’s a proud laughing with mum saying, he sounds just like the microwave. ’ Regarding the above transcriptions, here are the questions and comments the children might make while interpreting the situation:

It looks like Pepi wanted to say something, but I didn’t give him a chance to do that: “No idea,” I said quickly.

Fortunately, mum never worked it out (and you guys aren’t going to explain it to her – are you?) That said, it’s a year later and Pepi still roars: he loves to fuckin interrupt the class and alert his fellow students by shouting “Beep Beep Beep CRAP!!!!”. That way, it might not be a surprise that he could be secretly wishing mum would figure it out. At some moments, one feels like choking the man to death, but, of course, this is not at all a good intent.

parrot 2

A bit playfully rude look you get should you disturb an eclectus every time it’s enjoying a meal. . .

Looking back I should have expected this although it was rather strange that the other day she felt the need to scold me for reckless driving. She was angry. This is how my friend was explaining to me the risks of speeding and how I should realize it. Her sister had died in a car accident and I thought that she should have realized that it is possible for things like that to happen. She didn’t, however, ask me how I was driving the other day when she said she saw that I was going through all the speed limits on the way to the vet. How dare I? And it hadn’t been something vital for her – merely a routine appointment!!!

Ever since this torture began, I must admit, I have never felt this annoyed, hot and tired. Not a good combination for me This is the worst I have gone crazy . The same I screamed at her (which is not very wise for a lady not to say before some parrots). I’m not a child. I do know how to drive & I don’t speed on the roads and D’) Bob 13, not influenced by MySpace: I know how to drive and I do not speed. I definitely did not drive at silly speeds going to the vet or when coming from the vet. I had a navigator mounted behind the windscreen and it was programmed to give me an alarm if my speed was a shade more than the permitted threshold. It produced a trumpet fanfare sound each time, meaning I saw it and eased up on the accelerator. I knew it was working because when I was in the store, I recalled it making the loud noise each time. I told her that her nagging was becoming unbearable and as to what would make her assume that I had been speeding all along?

Musk Lorikeets excel at sound effects

I paused for breath, ready to yell again and then I heard it: a perfect trumpet fanfare coming loudly from Otto my musk lorikeet. He had picked up a new favorite noise from the vet trip and was using it to convince mum that I had been speeding.

“I can’t believe you’d believe the parrot over me!” I said crossly.
Of course, it was at this point that Pepi decided to join the argument.
“Time you went to the home!” he yelled happily, while mum turned progressively redder in anger.

I guess he has overheard one too many arguments where I’ve threatened to commit my mother to a nursing home for being senile. Meanwhile, mum is still yelling at me for teaching him that. Imagine if her boss visits and Pepi says that to him! It could almost be as bad as when he said: “You’re old!!!” to my age-sensitive aunt at Christmas! Apparently I need to teach my birds some manners. Hmmmm.
Like I said, there’s no secrets around parrots.

If you’re interested in Buying your parrot to talk, check out the Talking parrot Group