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4 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Keep Wildlife As Pets

There has been a recent resurgence of curiosity about particular creatures, typically those that have always lived in the wild. Since many people have developed a fancy for keeping wild creatures as pets, this is a major cause for alarm. Some individuals may mistakenly believe exotic animals such as tigers and panthers are ideal pets. However, this is not the case as per wildlife removal experts. Keep reading if you've ever thought it would be lovely to own a lion cub or any other wild animal as a pet.

Justifications for Not Keeping Wild Animals as Pets

In The First Place, It's Against The Law

Having an exotic pet puts you or a loved one in danger of being arrested. Even the smallest birds, like robins, belong to the wild, and it is unlawful to keep them in captivity, so don't even try to bring one into your home.

Hundreds of bears, snakes, and leopards, among other wild creatures, are rescued from individuals each year who have been keeping them as pets. Many of these species have been living in the wild for thousands of years and have evolved greatly to survive. It's unhealthy and risky to keep them in a home setting. Therefore, keeping any wild animal as a pet is not recommended.

There Should Be No Captivity For Wild Animals

While domesticated species like cats and dogs have been adapted to coexist with people for millennia, wild animals like lions and tigers are just born that way.

Many different kinds of life have complex social structures and elaborate lifestyles. Captive conditions cannot provide the same range of natural behaviours in the wild. Moreover, domesticating them is impossible since even those born in captivity still have genetic characteristics with their wild relatives.

A Wild Animal Cannot Be Tamed And Raised As A Pet

For an animal species as a whole, domestication may take hundreds of years. The domestication of dogs and cats dates back thousands of years. The wildness in an animal cannot be loved away.

Only Some Of Their Requirements Are Satisfied While They Are In Captivity

Captivity is terrible for wild creatures. When housing wild animals, it is impossible to mimic their natural environment.

Captive animals' emotional and physical health is compromised because of the restrictions placed on their natural behaviours. For example, sometimes they need a safe place to sleep, enough to eat, enough space to move about in or any say over their surroundings.

Taking a wild animal in may seem like a gesture of appreciation. Still, it is a terrible existence for the animal. Millions of cats and dogs are put to death each year instead of being adopted because no one wants them. As a family-owned business, Ed Lavery and Sons Pest Control LLC have served Connecticut residents and businesses for more than 50 years. Remember to look there if you need any assistance regarding wildlife removal.